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30 october 2018

Изображения римского шанцевого инструмента на Колонне Траяна

TRAJANS COLUMN XXXIX-XL/LV-LVI (scenes 55-6): Romans on the March

Scenes 55/LV and 56/LVI. The large tree on the right border of cast 137 was regarded by Cichorius as a scene drvision, considered "plausible" by Lepper and Frere (1988: 101). Scene 55: Roman soldiers begin their advance up a hill.Scene 56: In rough terrain, Roman legionaries dear their way through a forest. Note the roadbed visible under the feet of the soldiers in cast 138. The Dacian heads on the far right of the scene may indicate a captured Dacian fort seen in the background of casts 139 and 140.From casts 137-140, now in the Museo delta Civitta Romana, Rome. Compare Cichorius Pis. XXXIX-XL, scenes 55-56 and Coarelli Pis. 57-58. RBU2011.7122-composite.

Изображения римского шанцевого инструмента на Колонне Траяна




Изображения римского шанцевого инструмента на Колонне Траяна


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